Bonnie Meekums



Author talks: I usually begin by speaking a bit about myself and how I came to write the book I am speaking about, then I do a short reading, take questions, and give a book signing. Creative writing workshops: We begin with brief introductions, then a warm-up exercise to get everyone writing, after which I set a writing task tailored to the group I am working with. Reading is optional, and positive feedback to each other is encouraged.


2 Meadow Close, Mossley, OL5 9DS


Do I need to be an experienced writer to attend one of your workshops?
Do I need to buy one of your books in order to attend an author talk?
What do you write about in your novels?
I've never heard of Dance Movement Psychotherapy. What is it?
If I come to an author talk or creative writing workshop, will you put me on the spot and make me dance?

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