Family Activity
Where to go
We are your local public library service operating 8 libraries across the borough.
The Library Service runs regular and special events all throughout the year for people of all ages as well as providing book lending, PC & Printing and other services. Please see here for more details of all the services we offer.
We offer regular events and activities for all ages:
Come and join our FREE interactive storytelling sessions. Suitable for 0-4 years and their families. Families can help create a new picture book.
Find out dates and times on Tameside Libraries webpage
For more information email book.start@tameside.gov.uk or call 0161 342 3443
Come along and join us for rhymes, singing and stories.
All sessions are FREE and suitable for children aged 0-4 years and their families.
No booking required, just turn up.
Find out dates and times here on Tameside Libraries webpage
Droylsden Lively Minds Club offers speakers and workshops as well as the chance to meet new people and try different things. It’s friendly and fun. Things we’ve done in the past include Tai Chi, Origami, author talks and willow weaving.
All events are free and refreshments are available, so whether you’re on your own or with a friend come along and join in.
Find out dates and times on Tameside Libraries webpage
Or call 0161 342 5700 for details.
Dukinfield Lively Library Club offers speakers and workshops as well as the chance to meet new people and try different things. It’s friendly and fun. Things we’ve done in the past include Local History talks, a Crime Writing workshop and a Meditation session.
All events are free and refreshments are available, so why not join us while we brew up, have a chat and try something new.
Find out dates and times on Tameside Libraries webpage
Or call 0161 342 2828 for details.
Please see here for opening dates and times for each library.
Across Tameside
Copyright © 2023 In Tameside
Council led events in Tameside will no longer go ahead during the 10 days of mourning as the world grieves the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. For more information click here.